Business-minded legal advice


Business-minded legal
advice goes beyond
traditional approaches.

Business-minded legal advice goes beyond traditional approaches. We believe in forging strong partnerships with our clients, which means standing shoulder-to-shoulder with them, even in times of uncertainty. We take risks alongside our clients, embracing their entrepreneurial spirit, and sharing their passion for growth and innovation.

We explore creative solutions to complex legal challenges. Our practice understands that taking calculated risks can lead to remarkable opportunities. By immersing ourselves in our clients’ industries, understanding their goals, and assessing the legal landscape from a business perspective, we can offer informed and strategic advice that empowers our clients to make bold decisions and achieve their objectives.

At PPMLAW, we provide straightforward legal advice that cuts through the complexities and deliver practical solutions. Our approach is simple: if a question can be answered in one sentence, it will be. Our clients value clear and concise guidance, and we strive to deliver that precisely. With a deep understanding of transactional work and litigation, we provide overall support from the inception of deals, ensuring that no intelligence is lost.

We stand behind our legal advice unswervingly . By seamlessly integrating transactional and litigation considerations, we safeguard our clients’ interests by providing accurate and reliable counsel.

Pedro Paulo Magalhães Advogados


Pedro Paulo Magalhães

Pedro has nearly 30 years of experience in transactional, general corporate, contracts, and complex litigation work, including arbitration, offering comprehensive support across diverse industries such as sports, finance, energy, oil & gas, real estate, and more.

In addition to his practice, Pedro has held teaching positions at prestigious institutions such as the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ) and IBMEC Business school.

Pedro holds a law degree from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) Law School (class of 1995) and a Master of Laws Degree (LL.M) from UPenn (class of 1998).

Eduardo Beja
Senior Attorney

Eduardo has more than 20 years of experience providing legal consulting services, handling negotiations and complex litigation matters.

He represents clients in the areas of sports, entertainment, personal data protection and privacy, digital law, sports marketing, real estate, consumer relations, and contracts in general.

In addition to his practice, Eduardo was a professor at the Santa Ursula University School of Law and was a member of the Arbitration Committee of the Brazilian Institute of Real Estate Law (2018-2022).

Eduardo holds a law degree from Gama Filho University (UGF) Law School (2001) and holds specialist titles in Business Law from Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV-RJ 2006), Entertainment Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ 2008), and Digital Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ 2022).


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